- Javi Reina & Alex Guerrero (Ft. Syntheticsax) -Oig 2010 [00:07]
- Dennis Ferrer (Ft. Mia Tuttavilla) - Touched The Sky [03:00]
- Gotye (Ft. Kimbra) - Somebody That I Used To Know (Myndset Remix) [05:40]
- Kiko Navaro (Ft. Concha Buika) - Sonando Contigo (Yotam Avni Remix) [09:55]
- Nneka - Shining Star (Joe Goddard Remix) [14:00]
- Nicky Romero - Camorra (Original Mix) [15:00]
- Osunlade - Envision (Argy Vocal Mix) [17:05]
- Solomun & Stimming - See You Everyday Alone ( Original Mix) [20:40]
- Lindstrom & Cristabelle - Baby Can't Stop (Aeroplane Remix) [23:10]
- Aaliyah - If Your Girl Only Knew (Finnebassen Remix) [24:50]
- D.A.D. - Laugh 'N' A Half (Peter Visti Edit) [27:40]
- Afterlife - Speck Of Gold (Chris Coco Mix) [29:40]
- Nicolas Jaar - Mi Mujer [32:20]
- Paul Kalkbrenner - Sky And Sand (Original Mix) [35:35]
- Moby - My Beautiful Blue Sky [39:10]
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